The Art of Replacing Broken Window Glass Panels

General Window Repair

The Art of Replacing Broken Window Glass Panels

Accidents happen, and it’s not uncommon for window panes to shatter or crack. But, instead of stressing about it, consider it an opportunity to immerse yourself in the art of DIY home repair. Replacing broken window glass panels is a skill that every homeowner can learn with the right tools and a little patience. Here’s your comprehensive guide.

Safety First

Before embarking on the project, make sure you’re well-equipped with safety gloves and goggles. Protect yourself from shards of glass and minimize the risk of injury.

What You’ll Need:

  1. Safety gloves and goggles
  2. A chisel or putty knife
  3. Needle-nose pliers
  4. New glass pane (cut to size)
  5. Glazier’s points or metal clips
  6. Window putty or glazing compound
  7. Paint (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Removal of Broken Glass:
    • Lay down a cloth or tarp below the window to catch broken glass pieces.
    • Wearing your safety gear, gently remove shards of glass from the frame. If the glass is too tightly fixed, you can tape the surface and then break it into smaller pieces for easier removal.
  2. Cleaning the Frame:
    • Once the broken glass is out, use the chisel or putty knife to remove old putty or glazing compound from the window frame.
    • Ensure that all old glazier’s points or metal clips, which held the previous pane in place, are removed.
  3. Installing the New Pane:
    • Dry fit the new pane first to ensure it fits snugly into the space.
    • Carefully place the new glass into the frame.
    • Secure it with glazier’s points or metal clips. These should be spaced approximately every 6 inches.
  4. Sealing with Putty:
    • Knead the window putty until it’s pliable.
    • Roll it into thin ropes and press it into the frame around the glass edges.
    • Using the putty knife, smooth the putty to create a neat, angled seal that slopes away from the window.
    • The putty not only secures the glass but also provides a watertight seal.
  5. Finishing Touches:
    • Allow the putty to dry for several days, as recommended by the manufacturer.
    • Once dry, if the window frame is wooden, you can paint over the putty to match the rest of the window frame.


  • When purchasing a new pane, take the window’s measurements with you. Most hardware stores can cut glass to size.
  • Opt for tempered or laminated glass if you’re looking for a safer, more durable alternative.
  • Remember, perfection comes with practice. If you’re unsure about the process, it might be best to call a professional or ask for assistance.


Replacing broken window glass panels is both an art and a science. While it requires precision, there’s also room for creativity, especially when selecting new glass designs or finishes. With the right tools and steps, you can restore the beauty and functionality of your windows, making your home safe and aesthetically pleasing once again.


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